About Us


Name of the Organization : Sarojini Naidu Rural Welfare and Educational Trust
Address of the Organization : 4/47 Ganesapuram, Thuvariman P.O, Madurai - 625019, Tamil Nadu, India
Year of Establishment: 2003
Nature of Organization: Charitable Trust. Registered Under Trust Act. Registration Number - 73/2003


Registered in the Indian NGO Portal (Nity Ayog-Gov.in) 

I.D.No- TN/2016/0113061 

PAN: AAETS4339N Dated 21/03/2003

FCRA No: 075890366 Dated 05/06/2006 

12A(1) Order No: AAETS4339NE20214

80(G) Order No: AAETS4339NE20214

CSR N0 : CSR00040505 (Ministry of Corporate Affairs)

Welcome to theSarojini Naidu Rural Welfare and Educational Trust, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of deserted seniors, women, children in need & farmers in rural villages. Our mission is to provide compassionate care and support to these under previledges communities through a variety of programs and initiatives. Our trust is named after Sarojini Naidu, an Indian freedom fighter, and poetess who dedicated her life to promoting social justice and equality. We are inspired by her legacy and strive to continue her work through our philanthropic efforts.

At Sarojini Naidu Rural Welfare and Educational Trust, we believe that every senior and rural woman deserves access to dignified living, healthcare, and social opportunities. To this end, we have implemented a range of programs designed to provide assistance and care to those in need it most.

Through our donation website, we accept contributions from individuals and organizations who share our vision of creating a more equitable and compassionate society. Your support enables us to continue providing vital services to seniors and rural women in need. Whether you choose to make a one-time donation or become a recurring supporter, your contribution makes a real difference in the lives of those we serve. Your generosity helps us to provide food, shelter, medical care, and social opportunities to seniors and rural women who would otherwise be left without these essential resources.

We are grateful for your support of the Sarojini Naidu Rural Welfare And Educational Trust and the seniors and rural women we serve. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who need it most. Thank you for joining us in this important work.

Our Activities


  • Elders Care, Old Age Home

Our Elders Care program Annai Old Age Home provides a nurturing environment to seniors who have no one to care for them. We provide them with food, shelter, medical care, and social opportunities to help them lead a dignified life until their end.

  • Skill Development Programme For Rural Women

Our Rural Woman Development program provides vocational training,

  • Training in Tailoring for rural women and disabled persons.
  • Computer education for drop out students, girls and disabled persons
  • Soap and Phenol Manufacturing Training
  • Healthcare, and social opportunities to rural women who face significant challenges due to poverty and gender inequality. We empower them to become self-reliant and active members of their communities.
  • Rural Farmers & Farm Workers Development 

  • Agriculture Development ( turn to heritage agriculture and for save Environment )
  • Training Center is functioning for Natural organic preparation .( A permanent work shop with demo) for the training purpose of farmers and farm workers/women in rural village 
  • Education for Rural Children

  • Non Formal School : (After school hours and holidays) to uplift the standard of Poor Rural Children's education to the level of Urban children's education.
    A Non Formal School is functioning ( After school hours from 5.00 P.M. to 7.00 P.M- studies, 7.00P.M. to 7.30 P.M. prayer and providing dinner ) for the poor , rural children ( whose parents are in below poverty line) .3 Teachers are working . Education and dinner are provided to the children at Free Cost. Teachers are working on salary basis. Yoga training is giving to the children ,2 days in a week (on holidays)
    To give awareness about the function of our Government, Children’s Parliament is started and functioning during summer vocation of school.


Our Vision

Our vision at Sarojini Naidu Rural Welfare and Educational Trust is to create a world where elders are respected, rural women are empowered, and every child has access to quality education, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Our Mission

Our mission at Sarojini Naidu Rural Welfare and Educational Trust is to provide comprehensive support to elders, including healthcare, accommodation, and social opportunities to improve their quality of life. We aim to empower rural women through education and skill-building programs, helping them gain economic independence and improve their communities.

Additionally, we strive to provide underprivileged children with access to quality education, including tuition, mentoring, and other resources to support their academic and personal development. Through our efforts, we hope to create a more equitable and just society, where all members have the opportunity to live their lives to the fullest.



Managing Trustee (P.A to District Judge judicial department) retired


Financial Trustee Head Mistresses. (Special High School, Gandhi Gram, Dindigul)

Advocate : R Meena Kumari

Empowering Children For Better Future

Sarojini Naidu Rural Welfare and Educational Trust is a rural welfare, women welfare and educational trust committed to uplift the living conditions of society.

Start the good work now