
What We Do?

Elders Care, Old Age Home, Rural Woman Development, Skill Development Programme Trough NABARD, Tailoring Training, Vermicompost Training Trough NABARD, Soap and Phenol Manufacturing Training. Rural Farm Workers Development. ACCW gives the cow to 25 women’s free of cost. The trust helps them Green grass for Cattle Feeding of free of cost. Free Insurance awareness for woman.

Visually challenged students (1st batch) 11 have completed 1 year computer education course and successfully passed the examination conducted by Alagappa University. The Deen of the university Special Education distributing certificates. This year, at present 10 students joined.our trust undertaking incharge of hostel from this year.(providing 3 times per day food for the visually challenged and autism students at free cost)


Two days in weekend (two hours per day) voga class is conducted by the Trust te the school going children and Trans Gender women at free cost. This will help the students to ger fresh mind and brisk for the forth coming week days in school and the trans genders to come out from stress.

Vocational Training for Rural Children

So as to help the drop out from school education in the village, Computer training (Ms, Office, Tally etc.) is given to them. To raise the knowledge in English, Spoken English class is conducted (for all the schoolgoing children as well as the dropouts) ih Sundays [2 hours). By thisknowledge, they can get a job easily, in hotels, shops and Malls.


Skill development includes tailoring training centre for transgender women, rural women and disabled person.


The Non Formal School “Shri Shirdi Sai Evening School” was started in the year 2013 at Thuvariman Village for the purpose of uplifting the standard of education of the poor students (Whose parents, 80% of parents are illiterates and their economic condition is very poor) This school is functioning fromm 5-00P.M. to 7.00P.M for the children Studying from 1st std. to 7th Std. and from 5.30PM. to 9.00PM for the students 8th std. to 12th std. Four teachers are warking , 80 students are studying here at free cost Thrice In a year we conduct examinations. Prizes are also distributed according to their Rank they obtained in their exams, This Year, Uniformdresses are distributed to the children (Upto 5 Yeats old).

Inorder to give spiritual knowlege to the children, Shirdi Sail Baba Moorthy was installed, and daily 4 times Poojas are going on Nighi at O07.00PM All the students from 1st std -8th std participating in the Night Aarthy from the beginning and (7.25PM &il to 12th std students join with them for the last two Aarthy songs (Since they are having more home works). At the end of the Aarthy the students took pledge which is "l respect my mother, father, teacher and also the seniors and I treat everyone with courtesy. OH! God! please bless us and give ts strength to help the needy”.

Every child has a spiritual knowledge and involvement from Sai Baba's Aarthy. This real Spiritual growth changes a person in a paradoxical way, bringing both understanding and preserving innocence. Among all the forms of charity, annadhanam is considered as an act of highest virtue. Food provided to all the children/ Students after the Night Aarthy. The Students wholeheartedly served the food for the other students and after taking their dinner, children from 1st std to 8th std returned to home, and the students from 9th std to 12th std are continue their study and returned to home at 9.00 Pm. This kind of education changed the life style and character of the children. The % of dropout from school education is reduced.The parents are also feel free about their children until their return, to home at 7.00 pm and happy to see the change in their children.


Old Age Home for destitued elders: Shri Annai Old Age Home.

Aged ladies who have non-else to look after them are residing here all kind of facilities( food, medical treatment, hair cutting, washing cloths, cot with bed, etc.,) are provided to them. This kind of help will be provided to them until their demise. They pass away the world with happiness. Funeral customs are also done to them. They attending 4 time poojas, of Sai Baba installed within the premises of the old Age Home. 

Sarojini Naidu Rural Welfare and Educational Trust is a rural welfare, women welfare and educational trust committed to uplift the living conditions of society.

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